Serving the Poor,
Renewing the Church
We renew the Church through ongoing conversion in Christ, service to the poor, and authentic preaching.
“Go and rebuild my Church”
Our personal encounter with the Lord impels us to go out and rebuild His Church through authentic preaching, ministry to the poor, ecumenical outreaches, and evangelization with a special focus on fostering personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
Fr. Antony is turning 40!
Join us for Fr. Antony's 40th birthday celebration on September 28th at St. John the Baptist Mission in Laveen! The celebration begins with Mass at 4pm followed by food and games. In lieu of gifts, please make a donation to the Go Rebuild My Church fund and help us reach our goal of $14,610, that's $1 for every blessed day Fr. Antony has been alive!
Embracing Conversion in Christ
The Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit is a Catholic men’s religious community living the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls. If you are passionate about embracing a life of ongoing conversion and missionary outreach in the Franciscan tradition, we want to hear from you!
Explore a Vocation
We want to offer up Mass for you and your loved ones.
Send us your intentions
Stay Inspired
We have many ministries that need your support.
Whether you would like to make a one-time donation or a monthly gift, your generosity is what supports our outreach and ministry efforts.